Playgroup Tasmania acknowledges that we live, work and play on Aboriginal land, land of the palawa people of lutruwita (Tasmania). We pay our respects to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, to elders past and present and to all those who continue caring for country, sharing stories and upholding rights.
Thursday 22 September, 2022
Do you support the improved wellbeing of Tasmania's families and children? Do you have financial and/or leadership skills?
Playgroup Tasmania is seeking volunteers to join its Board as we shift to working within the growing emphasis on the importance of a child's first 1000 days (as outlined in the state government's Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy).
If you want to support the improved wellbeing of Tasmania’s families and children and have financial and/or leadership skills, we would like to hear from you.
For more information and to make an EOI:
Nominations close 5pm, Monday 10 October 2022.
Playgroup Tasmania believes that all children have the right to live safely – emotionally, mentally and physically.
Playgroup Tasmania is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children at all times and in all circumstances in interactions with Playgroup Tasmania. Everyone has a role to play in keeping children safe from harm and creating child safe and child friendly environments.
Playgroup Tasmania endorses the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and is committed to ensuring the wellbeing and safety of children across Tasmania.
Free resources to help playgroups promote National Playgroup Week events.
Drop by a special National Playgroup Week session between 17 – 23 March to find out what makes playgroups so special.
Join in the Australia wide census between 2-8 September.